Monday, 30 September 2019

What is a Good Forex Spread Betting Strategy?

Many people are fooled between a spread betting strategy and a trading strategy. Although there is plenty of information available on the internet on Forex trading strategy seldom mention advice on how to manipulate your spread betting strategy to maximise profit and limit losses, this article is about a good Forex spread betting strategy.
It is very well to have yourself a profit target and a stop loss set at the maximum you are willing to lose but what happens when you are triggered into a trade and the profit target is not quite reached? Do you allow the trade to simply reverse and go against you the amount you have your stop loss set for, or do you manipulate your spread betting strategy.
I have a theory for you to think about and one that has worked for me for many years; Lets' just say for arguments sake that you trade at ten pounds a pip and you day trade for quick profits, a good Forex spread betting strategy is to enter a trade with the assumption that you are going to make a ten pip profit, this doesn't sound like much to start with but the best is yet to come.
When you reach your ten pip profit, which is normally very quick especially when trading of new highs' and lows', you take out 80% of your trade; at this point you would have banked A�80. It is the decision that you make now that will see a good spread betting strategy.
Move your stop loss up to your trade entry point or to the last support or resistance level which ever looks safest, if the stop loss is at your entry level you now have a trade running at A�2 a pip with no risk. If the trade reverses against you then you still have made the original A�80, if the trade keeps running then it could run into 100's of pips. Keep adjusting your stop loss to lock in profits but leave sufficient room for the trade to breathe; don't forget this is now risk free!

Sport Betting Strategy - How to Win Most of Your Betting

It is sort of possible to make some money through sports betting. But that is true only if you're able to adhere to an exactly conservative approach. That is the central concept of any successful sport betting strategy.
But things that sound easy, turn out to be tougher in reality sometimes. So you need to know the other face of sport betting strategy - avoiding losses! The way 'sports betting' is today, you are destined to face countless pitfalls.
Sports betting fans keep trying to find surefire tactics. But most of them do not understand that 50% of the success potentials lie in avoiding 'failures.' if you are researching on common and most deadly pitfalls on sports betting, this article is worth reading!
In the book of sports gambling, there are certain sure routes to screw ups. The crucial part of sports betting should be to avoid those by all means. With that, you need to keep going with educating yourself on money management, strategies to add a conservative view, and your present information on sports.
However, here are some of the main things you need to avoid for saving yourself from losses
- 2 start with ; you've got to avoid gambling with any money that you don't really own/have. Nobody could ever explore the puzzle behind this, but the bitter truth is that borrowed money finishes up in complete losses in 99% of the cases.
- do not even think about setting aside a tiny hunk of cash for gambling in sports. Most successful bettors got started with large bankrolls. If you commence with anything less, possibilities are high that you will end up losing all your money rapidly.
- keep away from betting on too many sessions or events in a single day. Again, there are high chances that you will finish up being wrong usually. And you must bet only on sports that you understand clearly.
- ensure that you're not getting yourself concerned into parlays, teasers and sweetheart bets. The sour truth about this is, these are nothing but mean casino gimmicks. They are essentially intended to lure your illusions of style. It's your money, so no-one else tells you what to do. Be conscious of folks who try and offer free winners. Part of sport betting strategy is that, you haven't any choice but to trust your natural feelings.

Learn Sports Betting and Make Money While Enjoying Your Favorite Sports

Sports betting has become a practice by many while enjoying their favorite game. With the convenience of the internet, putting your bets in sports outcome can also be done online these days but of course, it is important to understand that putting money in the outcome of sports may be illegal in some places and states, thus make sure you are allowed to bet on sports in your area.
To learn sports betting, you have to learn right from the start. You don't have to thoroughly understand the details of the mechanics of the sports. Understanding the abilities and analyzing the performances of the teams and the individuals may even be more important as well as this will help you choose where to put your money.
You also have to learn the basic jargons and terms used on how to put your money and bets on sports. Although most bets in sports may employ more or less the same rules, there may however be slight differences depending on the sports. Among the sports where you can bet on the outcome is football, boxing, horseracing, basketball, baseball and hockey.
If you want to add an extra thrill to your sports watching, you can learn sports betting and make money from it as well. However, understand that betting in sports is not just about choosing the team that you think will win the game. There are different types of bets and in fact, you can bet on the total score of the game, you can bet on several teams and you can also make combination bets where you will bet on several teams winning at the right order.
In fact, putting your money on a crowd's favorite to win is not often a good decision in sports betting. There are certain rules in betting where you may not win big by putting your money on a crowd favorite. To understand these basics in putting bets and learn about it as well, here are a few of the types of bets that you may want to learn and some terms that you may want to get yourself familiar with.
The spread is a term in sports betting which describes a condition for your selection on where to bet. Say, if you are putting  your money on a team favored to win, you may be given a spread or a condition for you to win. Say if the spread is 13, the underdog is given 13 points ahead in the game and this will determine if you can win your bet. This means, the favored team must win more than 13 points for you to win your bet. If they win by 13 points, that is considered a tie and you neither win nor lose your bet.
Aside from the spread, you can also bet on the total score of the game, bet on two or more games. Keep in mind that the more complicated are the bets, the bigger you may win as a jackpot but of course, you have to remember as well that these types of bets may also carry higher risks than the simple types.

What Makes Martingale System a High Risk Roulette Strategy?

If you are an avid gambler or a fan of casino systems in general, you have probably heard about the Martingale System. Survey results found that it is one of the mostly used casino betting strategies. Martingale system had been invented to beat the casino games in general, but it is widely used as the core strategy for many Roulette systems. But, if you are new to Roulette strategies, you are advised to avoid playing with Martingale system because it has been proven to be a high risk Roulette strategy that can make you broke. What makes it a high risk strategy?
Don't be surprised if I tell you that most new Roulette players are using Martingale system to beat the wheel. In fact, it is the first Roulette system for many gamblers. Some lucky gamblers manage to switch to other Roulette strategy once they found the system doesn't work in the reality, but there are unlucky players who are heavily in debt because they never give-up and keep trying to use the system to beat the wheel.
The key reason that makes Martingale system one of the most famous roulette strategies lies in its pure simplicity. Theoretically it works flawlessly at any bet that involves 50/50 chance of winning. Theoretically, it is a foolproof system that guarantees you will win eventually, not matter how much you have loss, you will always exit the game with winning. The paradigm of the Martingale system is: if you place a bet and win, pocket your winning, but if your bet loses, make a new bet that is double the original bet until you win, you will recoup your original loss plus a winning. For example, you bet $5 on Red at Roulette, if you win, you will get back $10 ($5 of original bet plus $5 of winning). If you lose, then you have to double your bet, it becomes $10, if you keep losing because the outcomes turn out to be BLACK, the following bets will be $20, $40, $80, $160; let's say you win at the bet of $160 when the outcome turns out to be RED, you will get $320; but after deducting the previous losses and the original bet, you will win $5. This is how the Martingale system works as you will definitely recover your losses plus a winning that is equaled to the initial betting amount provided you have huge amount of money that can be used to keep doubling up the betting amount until you hit a win.
Keep in mind that casinos will never let Martingale system to work flawlessly. They have done something to break it so that casinos can prevent from facing huge losses if players implement Martingale strategy. Every table at casino has a maximum limit, which is the blocker that stops Martingale system from function flawlessly. Even though the player is a billionaire who has big money to double up his bet, he will never have the chance to do it once his bet hits the table limit.
As you can see in the example given above, every time you lose a bet, you have to double up your wager on the next turn. Let's say you have hit a long losing streak of 7 times, with the initial bet of $5, the 8th wager amount will be $640. If you lose again, then you have to place $1280 at the 9th turn. Could you see that you are risking over thousand of dollars just to win a $5. Moreover, if you have kept a record of Roulette results, you will find that a consecutive red, black, big, small and odd or even for more than 10 times are so common. Most often, a $5 roulette table will have a maximum table limit of $3,000 at a land-based casino and $300 at online casino. Therefore, you have very little chance to win with Martingale system. At any time, when you go one a long losing streak, you run a serious risk of going broke.
Players may see nice gains by playing Roulette with Martingale system over the short-term. However, you can quickly run into a risk of losing big amount of money when you hit a dreaded losing streak. Therefore, Martingale system is a high risk Roulette strategy, which you should avoid using it.

Value Betting - A Betting Strategy

In order to describe a tactic of betting, value is the most common term in strategy of poker is called value betting. Here, instead of planning to buy the pot by amounting a large bet or raising the value so as to lure the others to call; in this the complete size of the pot raises.
Value betting differs from most other strategies of betting say slow playing, bluffing or may be protection bet. A value bet is opted on a drawing hand. Or may be on made hand. The basic goal is that when there is a affirmative expectation of a player's chance of winning, the pot size should be raised.
It is more common that on having a made hand, you would offer to value bet for a value. All the same, a player may also opt for betting or raising with just a draw in hand. On having a strong hand that would make a hit more than 50% times is a great hand to play for a value on. If you land yourself in this situation, the expected value should be determined by the following measures--
-- The determination of the drawing odds.
-- The determination of the pot odds.
--Try to access if there is a affirmative chance of winning the hand.
--If chances exist, try to figure out whether the bet or the raise will be adding up the assumed value to the pot or not.
After having completed this process and having reached the targeted value, you should definitely bet/raise although if you are in possession of a draw.
Finally, value betting will prove to be even more efficient if you are capable of reading other player's minds and putting them on the proper hands. In the process you will gain the knowledge about the amounts to bet so as to get them in for calling and thereby raising the amount in the pot. The idea about when value addition is to be done to a pot is extremely important for any poker player. This is because good hands will keep coming in your way very often and obviously, you like any sensible player would like to make the maximum gain out of them.

Blackjack Betting Strategy - Blackjack Card Counting Tips

If you want a blackjack betting strategy, then read this. You will learn blackjack card counting tips.
Blackjack games do not need lucky charms, hunches, or guesses or any other superstitious beliefs out there. All a player needs is great understanding on the whole game. There are areas to exploit in the game.
It is either the player or the house gets a natural. A natural means twenty one on the first dealt two cards. A player has an edge if the house gets a natural because he only loses his bet at one is to one basis, sometimes nothing especially if he got insurance. On the other hand, if it is the player who gets a natural, it is again an advantage as the house pays him at a 1.5 is to one ratio.
Another thing for the player to understand is the cards that benefit the house or the player. The principle is the house is benefited by cards six and below. These are called small numbered cards. Meanwhile, for players, large numbered cards are ideally advantageous. Understanding how to exploit this is essential on how to win blackjack. Players are encouraged to bet more if there are more large numbered cards and vice versa. Also, if there is low amount of cards left in the shoe, then it is another best time to raise the bet.
To be able to determine if the player's count is positive and high, he may apply the so-called Hi-Lo method. Two through six cards are assigned a point value of +1 as ten through ace cards are assigned with -1 point value. The rest which are in between these cards are neutral. So when a player's counting cards are more of positive and high, then he has more chances of winning the game. The aim of this method is also to beat or bust the dealer.
Another technique on how to win blackjack is to practice. There are computer simulators to work on with. This simulator can be programmed by the player. It also keeps a track of the player's long term winnings which is helpful as it also tracks theoretical profits. This simulator can also help the player practice by automatically correcting him if he makes a mistake in the practice game.
There are also books about counting. From the tips the players read, they should apply and practice with these so that there techniques will be perfected in due time. Now, if the player can not perfect the technique and still has 'bad hands' about the game and he still loses more, then it is better to stop. Players should not waste their money on this gamble. If they want to win and enjoy, perfecting the techniques is a must.
Also, players should not be very obvious in doing their card counting while playing in casinos. It is legal but almost all casinos will not like such players because it is pretty obvious that they are putting down the casino house.

Why Your Roulette Strategy Never Works

If you have played with a roulette strategy that supposes to work, but it does not. You find it works for other players, but why not on you? Is the strategy you used not really works or it may cause by other factors?
It is true that no one roulette strategy that can guarantees you the winning, no matter how good the it is, but if you manage to apply one that is able to increase your odd of winning, then it is possible to make consistent winning from a casino.
Like many roulette players, my best roulette strategy failed to make winning for me initially. After losing thousand of dollars in trying to beat the wheel with the best strategy I ever found, I started to analyze what makes me lose.
A general trend that I encounter is I will win initially when I follow the rule of betting required in my strategy and I see my bankroll roll up and up. At some time, I try to win the same amount of money faster, so I increase my betting amount and I bet more frequently. The strategy did work and I won more. But, after some times when I hit a consecutive losing turns, I will lose most of my winnings. The more I lost, the more I bet because I want to win back what I had lost. I almost forget about the best roulette strategy I had used to win the game initially. Guess what? I lost all my money I had won together with the money I deposited.
Every time when I made a new deposit into my online casino account, I promised myself to follow my roulette strategy strictly no matter how much money I had won. But, I always became greedy and forgot about my strategy. So, I always loss all winning plus my own money after seeing my bankroll increased with winnings. Some incident happens again and again. I kept asking myself why the roulette strategy I used never made profit from the roulette game.
Until I joined a few gambling forums and through the online chat with other players, I really many players do have the similar experience that their roulette strategy never works to make them money even though they won initially. The reason they lost was the same as me; they became greedy after winning big money and they lost back all the winnings and their own money at last. Therefore, I learned from my mistakes and trained myself to control my greedy behavior. Once I managed to bet with strategy and not with my emotion, I win more than I lose, making me a net winning on every exit.
So, if your roulette strategy never works for you, then you should check whether you are like me, your losses are due to your greedy behavior and not the strategy. If you have applied a betting strategy that is proven to work on other players, then it should work for you if you follow the rule of betting. If it works in the other way round, then most probably it is not caused by the strategy itself, but other factors that make you lose.
Except for a bad roulette strategy, there are other factors that can make you lose at the roulette wheel. So, you should analyze the cause of losing before blaming the roulette strategy that works for other players.

Sports Gambling System - No Flaws in the System

With times as difficult as they are, people are struggling to find new ways of making ends meet.  Previously, the way to do this was through investing in the stock market and hoping for the best.  However, in recent years, faith in the stock market has waned, and real estate seems just as unreliable.  More and more, people are looking to sports betting systems for the answers to their financial woes.  Unlike the stock markets, there is an honesty in sports investing that most people can appreciate.  However, there are still dangers that the un-initiated may face.
The first major risk that sports bettors face is going too far too quickly.  This all or nothing mentality is holdover from the days of stock market gambling.  Right now there is no reason to potentially go bankrupt due to a sports betting system.  Any reputable company will tell you that you shouldn't use more than 5% of your income on sports betting.  Using any more than that is simply inviting disaster.  That ties right into the next risk, which is what strategy to use. 
There are a surprising number of sports betting systems being advertised online.  Each of these systems claims to be the right choice for all your sports betting needs.  However, most of these sites will be of no help to you, especially if their business plan does not match your own.  The problem is even worse when the sites are run by untrustworthy individuals.  When you begin your search, do so by looking for customer reviews about the company as well as a business portfolio.  If the company is worth talking about, then you should have no trouble finding satisfied customers.  
The next major risk is trying to do too much.  You may love all sports, but keeping up with all of your NFL picks, NBA picks, MLB picks and NHL picks may be too much.  There is no shame in cutting back on the others to focus on the one that is most dear to you, or has the largest potential of profit.  You need to learn balance in all aspects of sports betting, from the actual amount of money to be used to which company strategy to choose.  More than that, you need to choose a company that has that same kind of balance. 

Across the Board Horse Racing Betting Strategy and Best Bets

The across the board bet is one of the simplest bets to  make. If you're at a race track you simply tell the teller, or tote, that you want to bet a horse across the board. If you're using a machine or computer it may be marked as, "WPS," meaning win, place, and show.
If the runner manages to finish first, second, or third, you collect something. There are many things to be considered, however before making the wager. First of all, just because you collect when the horse finishes in the money, it doesn't mean you'll make a profit. Many horses pay less than $6 to show and that is the cost of a base bet when you put $2 across the board on a horse.
Which horses should you bet across the board? Most of the time, you should only make that wager on a long shot that will pay at least $6 to show, but that betting strategy only works if the runner is not being backed heavily in the show pools. Sometimes, even though a horse is a long shot, the bettors will put quite a bit of money on it to place and show because they believe it has a chance to finish in the money.
There are enough people who bet long shots to place or show, hoping to catch a horse that is under bet and that will pay well in the second or third position to make it necessary to check the pools if you're looking for the best bet. Unless you have access to information about those pools, however, this reasoning is often faulty because there will be a higher percentage of the show pool or place pool wagered on the horse than there is win money.
The best bet to place or show is a horse that is taking less money in the place or show pool  than it is taking to win. Since those pools normally have less money than the win pool, this is best represented by a percentage. If you're looking for an easy bet that will have three chances to payoff, then the WPS bet is a possibility, but if you're looking for a profitable bet, checking the percentages and then choosing a horse that is taking some action in the win pool but that is taking a smaller percentage in the place or show pool is probably a better wager.
Just remember that there are no guarantees in life and any bet on a horse race involves risk.

Playing Baccarat To Win

That's how you are going to win at baccarat. The important thing to remember is to stick to your strategy. Keep on top of your system and get disciplined or you are bound to lose a lot of your money fast. Keep at it and redevelop your strategy as you go along until you find something that you are finding works with you. Good luck!
Nobody plays baccarat to lose, which is why it is important to develop a baccarat strategy that will increase your odds of winning. There are many purported baccarat strategies out there if you look them up online, but in reality there just isn't a lot of strategy you can use with this game. This doesn't mean give up on the attempt at strategic play altogether; there are still some things you can do to help improve the odds of getting the winning hand.
The Bank Hand
For your hand, you have three options. You can bet the player hand, the bank hand or a tie hand. The tie hand is always going to benefit the casino by giving them an edge of about 15%. The payout of actually winning the hand might entice you, but the house has a 15% advantage over you. So just don't bet on a tie. Betting on the player hand is going to give the house a slightly higher advantage than betting on the bank hand. The bank hand will give you the best possible odds of winning. It may seem boring, but the highest possibility of leaving the casino with a pocket full of cash may be exciting enough.
The Deck
Look around for the casino that's going to offer you the lowest numbers of decks and lower commission. Ideally, you will want to find a game that uses 6 decks and offers 4% commission on winning the bank hand. There are games that only use one deck, but you will find them only online from casinos that use Microgaming software.
Money Management
Arbitrarily throwing bets onto the table is an excellent way to make sure you have no gas in your car for the next week. Developing a serious betting strategy will ensure you get to play the most amount of hands and win substantial amounts at the same time. Decide even before you sit at the table exactly how much you are willing to lose. Stick to that limit. Make sure you control how much you bet each round. Each time that you win, pocket a piece of those winnings or pocket it all. This way you'll have a stash that you never dig into.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

How To Win Playing Roulette - Bribe The Dealer

In order to win at roulette, you must have a strategy which will help you to minimize your losses.

I love the casinos, I have been around in casinos playing roulette and I have used a particular system which has helped me succeed on the American roulette table (that is the ones with the 0 and the 00)
You should take a look at the number history boards that most casinos have these days and keep a watch on the different tables in order to go at the one which is getting the numbers of your liking and requirement.
You should choose a particular section of the wheel to play in. This will get you better odds. For example, if you are playing at a section with 6 numbers then your odds are reduced from the tougher 1 in 36 to the much easier 1 in 6.
When you find your table, do not go in with a lot of money and neither should you go in with very low amounts of money. It is best to go with something like a $100 which will give you ample time to try out the system and even make winnings.
The way I would advise you to bet is the same way I do it. I begin with about $1 on say 9 and on 35 and $2 on 28 and 14. I follow this by putting $3 on 0 and 2 and my total comes out to be a bet of $12. I begin the game only after this. (I'm playing the 9,28,0, 2,14,35 section)
Right before the dealer hits the wheel in order to start the rotation I announce a dollar for the dealer on 0. This is just to give the dealer a reason to hit the number 0 and you know, a dealer who works with the wheel all day everyday has some expertise in that direction. Now a dealer who is experienced will hit this once in every six tries and if you look at it closely, you are giving the dealer a margin for error that is the two to three numbers on either side.

This is how the simple system works and you should try this out if you want to win some money on the roulette wheel.
I usually start with a hundred dollars and then increase my bets as I keep winning. The winnings can reach much more than $5000 in a matter of hours.

The Way To Play Roulette For The Best Odds

To play roulette for the best odds involves splitting your bets, that's right, placing your numbers in positions of importance. You must remember that roulette is a game of chance, in other words a game that provides a completely random result.
There are many systems and roulette betting methods that claim to reduce the odds, but in truth, the best odds come with the best bets. So the way to play roulette for the best odds should be carried out in the following way.
Firstly increase the amount of bets you make, its much better placing ten bets once than it is placing one bet ten times. This will increase your odds of coverage on the roulette wheel, thus increasing your odds of winning the game.
The next thing involves never repeating the numbers made in the last bet. Although roulette is completely random, probability will suggest that things are more likely not going to repeat themselves.
Also consider betting on the zero after around ten spins of the wheel, people often make the mistake of missing the green zone completely. The roulette zero is very important because if it wins, it provides needed credits for further betting.
Patterns are very useful when playing roulette because they help us develop certain skills. Try betting on red and black alternatively and the same with odd numbers. Then try betting two red positions and then three black positions. We are looking for simple patterns that will work towards improving our odds in the game.
Play European roulette tables that only have one zero position. This will make sure the house advantage is the smallest possible, therefore making the players chances even greater.
Increase winning bets and reduce losing bets, this simple principle can make wonders for your roulette game. Money management is an important factor when gambling, so please don't forget this one.
Always leave the table with profits whilst you can, a good rule is to leave the game with 20 percent profit. Nearly all players will lose at the tables if they search for a massive result, remember slowly wins the race. You'll have far greater chances making five dollars a hundred times than you would making 500 once.
To play roulette with the best odds involves a sense of realism, remember to enjoy the game for what it is. You'll have good spins and bad spins, but that should never matter. The important thing is to walk away, when your money starts to look good.

Looking For Attention Grabbing Internet Game? Play Roulette Online!

Roulette is a typical casino game, which literally means 'spinning wheel' in French, played by making a bet. Roulette is believed to have started in 16th century. At the end of 18th century, Roulette became very popular in the USA and all over the world.
To play roulette online, the player has to know all the rules by heart. Some people claim to have a strategy for winning roulette online. It is very important to know that this game is absolutely random and prior spin results never influence upcoming results.
There are a few things to remember before playing roulette online. If one follows these things properly, then playing roulette online is a fun filled experience.

Choose online casino very precisely and meticulously. Fast playing table is the proper choice for players who prefer to play roulette online.
 The player must search for the online casinos that accept currency from all over the world. Money transfer is a method which has an important role in playing roulette online. Players can play roulette from anywhere, but one must remember at all times that they must play in the currency of their own country. Therefore look for the casinos which accept preferred currency.

Playing roulette online offers many benefits to the players. It can be played all day and night all throughout the week without waiting for your turn at the table. The player doesn't need to arrange costly trip to casinos in a foreign country. So come and enjoy roulette quietly.

Things to Remember While Playing Roulette

Roulette is an addictive game. It does not require any skills and talent. This is the main reason, why people are more attracted towards this game. Playing roulette at a land-based casino offers you more thrilling experience rather than playing online.
The risk of losing is very high in this game. Still, many people like this game. You have to consider many things for playing Roulette. Many gamblers believe that this gambling game is easy. However, it is not true, because it involves money and winning percentage is very low. Therefore, it is essential to learn the basics of this game before betting.
For playing casino games, knowledge of basic rules is essential. For experienced gamblers, this game is easy, but for newbie, it is essential to understand the basics of this gambling game.
Live Roulette is easy, because it depends on your judgment which number you bet. You can only guess the number where the ball lands. However, there are certain things that you have to keep in mind such as different types of bets and their payouts.
You can choose your number for winning the amount, but you cannot confirm your winning. Therefore, it is very important to get proper information about this gambling game before playing. You can play Roulette on both offline as well as online casinos.
For playing Roulette at online casino, you must go through the terms and conditions of that casino. Many online casinos also offer this game free of cost. Therefore, always go for a casino, where you can get discounts and offers.
Hence, make sure that you are familiar with the betting system of Roulette. Do not stake your entire funds on one bet and try to divide your bet, so that you can play the game for long.

How to Win at Roulette Some of the Time

Much has been said and written on how to win at roulette. All flavors of theories have been offered to convince the everyday Joe and Jane that theirs is the magic formula. Akin to tasting the forbidden fruit, everyone is quite familiar with the consequences thereafter. As in anything in life, roll up your sleeves and do some research before plunging headlong into deep waters. When you've learnt the principles of how to play roulette, you then know some of the dos and don'ts on how to win at roulette. Make full use of other players' experiences and tips to avoid pit holes. Most importantly, keep it simple. If you fill your mind with too many strategies, you will have a date with Dr Trouble.
Once you've got the principles of roulette down pat, have a go at it. Playing in a live casino as compared to the internet offers very different experiences. A live environment can be distracting and intimidating whereas you can enjoy the safety and comfort of your home. Playing roulette for free as opposed to playing for real money also presents varying levels of satisfaction. If you think you can fulfill your objective on how to win at roulette, playing for money is obviously the way to go. Since most of us don't have a gaggle of golden geese in our backyard nor are sole heirs to rich uncles on their deathbeds, a good idea is to set aside a roulette budget and keep to it.
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. That's what everyone says to those who've lost their pants after a gambling binge. Make a roulette game plan before you start playing, especially if you're playing for real money. Keep to the plan regardless of whether things are going right or wrong. If you want to change your plan, step away from the game and analyze your reasons for change and amend your plan in a systematic manner. Don't change the plan whilst playing as you are bound to make brash mistakes and generate unnecessary panic.
Since there are 2 types of roulette wheels, pick the one that gives you better odds against the house. Experts prefer the European wheel with its 37 numbered slots rather than the American wheel with 1 extra slot. One doesn't need to be a math genius to figure out that less slots equals a higher chance of your betted slot being picked. When placing a bet, pick winning roulette combination such as Even, Odd, Low, High numbers, Red or Black colors as they have higher chances of winning.
If you're playing in a real casino, walk around and observe each roulette table's performance. Another oft forgotten but obvious factor is the condition of the roulette wheel and table. Being physical equipment, they are subject to design and construction flaws, wear-&-tear, dust-&-dirt buildup, uneven floor and carpet levels. However, wise casino operators will have ironed out such odds against the house else risk being labeled the house of free lunches. If croupiers or dealers subconsciously shift the odds by their spinning techniques, keen-eyed floor supervisors with CCTV assistance will pick them out. If you're fortunate and do spot a table which gives a more favorable outcome, that's when the elusive Lady Luck gives you a break. An online roulette game is normally more subject to design and programming slip-ups which may not be so easily detected.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Online Gambling and Casinos

Online Gambling and Casinos
Knowing the information in order to get the most from online gambling is something you need to look into. It doesn't have to be hard to do either. If you have access to the internet, then you are able to find out all of the basic information, and even more so than this. This is because they want to let you know what gambling online is all about when you visit their site.
Not only will they let you know what you have to do to become a member of the account they have going, or you are able to just browse through the site to find out if they have your favorite games, or what you are looking for regarding gambling. Since everyone has different preferences, you want to make sure that they have everything that fits your preferences.
You need to feel safe and secure while you are playing the games, and that you are in a trusted place, with trusted people when you gamble through their online casino. The online casino's want to make sure that you get all this when you go to sign up with their casino site. Not only will you have security but you will make friends in the gambling system.
The gambling system will be sure to get you what you need for your experience, and you will be able to search through other players profiles to get more information about other people who have the same interest as you, online casinos.
This gives a social network as well when you are looking for the most from the site that you choose to go with, and make sure you search through the site before you sign up, and they will answer any questions that you may have regarding their gambling sites. When you want to find out the most information, you are able to by going to straight to one website.

Online Gambling Climbing Into 2012

Online Gambling Climbing Into 2012
Online gambling and gaming is always a hot topic in the news with global legal issues, business deals, software development and of course massive jackpot winners.
Recently we have witnessed a large number of regular online casino gamers spending more time and money playing scratchcards online. The pace of development with scratch based games is constantly gaining momentum in addition the versatility of the scratch element can be carried over into other games brilliantly.
For example Joker Poker the new offering from Neo-Games has both Online Video Poker and a scratch cards element that satisfies both sides and adds a totally new side to an already popular game.
Classically scratch cards are not usually found in a regular Casino environment, however due to demand most online casino providers have had to incorporate some scratchcards into their collection of games. Not to mention the popping up of so many different scratch cards focused web sites.
Recent player figures seem to demonstrate that scratch players are increasing and that more people are open to trying scratch based games than ever before. Scratch sites and online casinos are leading the way in not only creatively crafted promotions and bonuses but lucrative and impressive business deals that are being used in other online industries.
This month for example it has been reported that Neo-Games has signed a deal with Sportingbet plc. The agreement outlines how Neo-Games will provide over 40 of their scratchcards and other soft games and integrate this scratch card platform into Sportingbet's existing online website.
William Hill the sports betting/bookmaking has confirmed interest in the option of taking over the mobile gaming technology company Probability. The deal is believed to be worth a mammoth 13 million GBP and could see the expansion of William Hill's Mobile Gambling and Regular Gambling interests.
Probability owns the brand Lady Luck and has approximately one million UK customers, using their bingo, poker, scratch cards and other online games. The mobile technology group has been an incredible success and was formed in 2003; the two owners claim that their success came from understanding just how important, big and profitable the mobile gambling industry would ultimately grow to be. Apparently William Hill has until 17th Oct 2011 to formulate a purchase offer as a deadline.
Earlier in the year the Co also purchased a few land based sports betting companies in the US and this strategically gives the group a firmer hold in the US markets while the industry expects to see some dramatic changes in the future.
Also in recent developments William Hill the sports betting/bookmaking has confirmed interest in the option of taking over the mobile gaming technology company Probability. The deal is believed to be worth a mammoth 13 million GBP and could see the expansion of William Hill's Mobile Gambling and Regular Gambling interests.
Probability owns the brand Lady Luck and has approximately one million UK customers, using their bingo, poker, scratch cards and other online games. The mobile technology group has been an incredible success and was formed in 2003; the two owners claim that their success came from understanding just how important, big and profitable the mobile gambling industry would ultimately grow to be. Apparently William Hill has until 17th Oct 2011 to formulate a purchase offer as a deadline.
Earlier in the year the Co also purchased a few land based sports betting companies in the US and this strategically gives the group a firmer hold in the US markets while the industry expects to see some dramatic changes in the future.

The Ugly Truth of Over Betting - Can You Afford to Lose Your Family?

The Ugly Truth of Over Betting - Can You Afford to Lose Your Family?
An "over bettor" is a gambler who bets the money he cannot afford to lose. Please do not get me wrong with this word as this is not how most people understand it. The point here is not how much the gambler bets, be it big or small, but whether or not it will hurt him in case he loses the bet. To the super rich who do not have limits to their wealth, betting big is fine. But most gamblers have limits to their money, and so should put a limit in their losses.
I remember this episode that happened in one of my gambling sprees in the casinos. It was early afternoon and I was playing Blackjack with few others. Then a woman clutching a handkerchief red with blood arrived. It was the first time I'd seen the woman though I knew later she was a casino regular. She sat beside me at the Blackjack table. All of us at the table immediately noticed the bruises all over her, but no one dared to ask what she had been up to. She would often wipe dry the blood on her arm. She also had a black eye but it was less obvious because she wore dark glasses. A while later, a group of people bailed the woman out of the game. At first she refused, so a little commotion ensued. They were able to persuade the woman to come with them eventually. All of us at the table were left bewildered.
Later that afternoon I was able to pick up the story from other gamblers. The story was that the woman had been a casino regular for a long time and had lost so much already. In fact she had sold most of the family properties and lost it all to the casino. That particular day her husband had had enough, so they had a fight that turned physical. So that explained her injuries. Why she went to the casino first instead of the hospital was beyond me.
All casinos have their own stories of gamblers losing money they cannot afford to lose. Perhaps you too have a story to tell. Betting scared money is a big no as the consequence of losing it is so severe. Consider these ugly words: shattered future, broken family, suicides, jails, destroyed lives, lies, threats, and many others. These are the consequences of over betting.
Of all the mistakes gamblers make, over betting is different because it actually does not have anything to do with winning or losing. A gambler can actually gamble the money he cannot afford to lose and still win, or gamble extra money and still lose. Nevertheless I still consider it as one of gambling's fatal errors knowing that it is just wrong. At times when a gambler does it, he will not be able to concentrate on his game because of the psychological disintegration that it produces. Betting scared money can cause bad plays, dullness, miscalculations, and misjudgments. It is just not a right thing to do.

Flat Bettors - The Disturbing Truth - How They Are Milked Dry by Greedy Casinos

Flat Bettors - The Disturbing Truth - How They Are Milked Dry by Greedy Casinos
Flat bettors are casino gamblers who always bet the same amount, and in my opinion they are the casinos very productive milking cows. It only takes a little common sense why this is so; because a flat bettor doesn't stand a bit of a chance to win. Casinos love to welcome flat bettors because they are sure money. If casinos executives would have their way, they would rather that all their customers are flat bettors as it is their surest way to rake in tons of profit.
I'll share with you one of my encounters with a flat bettor in a casino. I was playing Blackjack since that morning, mostly alone, as other gamblers just came and went on my table. Then a middle-aged man sat at the last seat as I was sitting in the first seat. It was the first time I'd seen the man, though I knew later that he was a casino regular for a long time. When the dealers saw him, they treated him very nicely. Every now and then, the pit boss would come and ask him what he wanted. They gave him everything, foods, drinks and vitamins. I presumed he was a doctor because that was what they called him. He was a very silent man. We played together for about six hours but we did not talk to each other. He was a big bettor to my standard. At a table with 4,000 peso limit, he bet 2,000 pesos a hand, while I only bet the minimum 200 pesos.
Together we endured a long and steady losing streak. Because he was a big bettor, his losses were many times larger than mine. In a long losing session, I have many ways of protecting myself from losing heavily. Aside from betting small, sometimes I would pass betting in some rounds. I stand up to stretch more often, take coffee for longer, go to the comfort room more frequently, and so many others. Therefore, though we sat side by side, the man had made more bets than I had.
Then suddenly the cards turned to our favor. Together we won bet after bet. Although his playing was not as strong as mine, we both won anyway. As if the lords above saw what we've been into and decided to give it to us just this time. This was the winning streak I was preparing to happen. As my style of play called for, I was increasing my bets and was now betting the table maximum of 4,000 pesos.
The doctor however continued betting 2,000 pesos a hand. He never changed the amount of his bets, never taking advantage of our winning streaks. I knew he had lost too much and I wanted to tell him it was time he recouped his losses. I actually had nearly told him but I did not have the courage as he looked unfriendly to me. Besides it is not my way to make comments on others.
What I did was to make my actions obvious to him. I intentionally displayed my chips loosely in front so he would notice. He did notice what I did but he did not seem to get the message. I thought he even misunderstood me. Taking advantage of hot sequences was just not his betting style. The hot sequences lasted for quite a while and I was already ahead by 18,000 pesos. The doctor was not even able to get even.
After a while, when the winning consequences were over, we stopped together. He walked away probably thinking I just got lucky. I stayed in the casino for a while, though I did not play anymore.
If a gambler decides to take gambling seriously, he should avoid flat betting as it won't get him anywhere but disaster. It is only good if a gambler plays only for a short while and plays less often. But if a gambler decides to play on a stretch, he would always come out a loser in the end. The casino advantage will grind away his money, slowly and steadily. The longer he stays playing, the bigger profit the casinos will get from him.

A Fun Way to Win Casino Slot Machines - Las Vegas Slot Machines

A Fun Way to Win Casino Slot Machines - Las Vegas Slot Machines
If you want to know why it is fun to win casino slot machines, then read this. You will get tips in winning Las Vegas Slot Machines.
To win casino slots is the aim of many gamblers. Playing slots open many financial opportunities for a lot of individuals. In just a few hours of playing, gamblers will have the chance to hit a big jackpot prize. Some would call this as easy money. Although it is easy to win in slot machines, it would also be good if you are having fun while playing.
Fun and amusement is one of the great benefits that a person can get out of playing slots. To provide amusement and recreation is what casinos exist for. We all know that in gambling, it is not all the time that a person can win. But, it can be all the time that a player may enjoy and have the best time of his life when he plays in casinos. Here are some ways on how you can win and at the same time have maximum fun in playing slot machines.
Always remember that when you play slots, you need to have full concentration. That is why you should stay away from players who you think may annoy you. Annoying people will eventually cause distraction. This can sometimes lead you to having a bad mood in the long run and screw up your clear mind. This is disadvantageous for you. So, it is advisable that you transfer to another machine is there are many noisy or irritating people surrounding you so that you can win casino slot machines.
You should also go with a friend who you can always trust. There are times that winning seems impossible. When you lose, you will tend to be so emotional about it and will play over and over again until you lose all your bankroll. This is no longer fun. Having a trusted friend with you can be an advantage so that you can enjoy your bankroll to the fullest. A friend will always tell you to stop playing when he realizes that you are already losing too much.
If you are really fond of playing slot machines, it would be nice for you to sign up for casino memberships. This is usually free and it gives you so many benefits such as freebies and other bonuses. You will even have gifts from the casino as you earn points on your membership. This is another fun way of playing casino slots.
Playing at around 2am to 7am is also a good thinking. During this time a very minimal number of people are playing. This gives you the chance to choose whatever machine that you want to play with. The best part about playing at these hours is that these machines might have already lost throughout the entire night. So, your chance of hitting the jackpot when you play is really great. When you play to win casino slot machines, always bear in mind that concentration and discipline in bankroll management are keys to having so much fun and excitement.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Getting the Best Bang For Your Buck - Finding a Good Online Casino

There are many online casinos available on the world-wide-web - and all of these websites have one common goal - to make a profit. It is important to be knowledgeable about the website you are purchasing game time from because there are many scams out there in the land of the internet.
Questions Ask When Choosing An Online Casino:
Finding a good casino can be a tricky task, especially when you are tight on funding and want to get the best for your buck. I have compiled some questions you may want to ask yourself before signing up for a particular online casino:
o What is the casino's customer service like?
o Do they offer bonuses? If so, what kind of bonuses do they offer?
o How does the software run? Is it advanced enough to keep up with today's best technology?
o What is the amount of traffic generated to their website each day? What about each hour?
o What are their payout rates on each casino game?
o How do they conduct their tournaments? Do tournaments seem to be run fairly?
o Is my money safe with them?
The answers to some of these questions about an online casino that might require a little bit of research, but when it comes to playing your money safe, any amount of research needed will be much worth it.
How To Tell If An Online Casino Is Legitimate:
(a) Check for a seal - Many organizations report that they certify and regulate these online casinos but the most trusted organization is eCOGRA. Look for the eCOGRA seal on the homepage of the website to ensure that it has been regulated by this organization.
(b) Check the software - If the software is provided from more popular software brands such as CryptLogic or MicroGaming, then your odds for dealing with a legitimate site greatly increase.
(c) Check the About Me Section - If the company's bio is very vague or not well put together, it's even more likely that you are being scammed by an online casino. Look for substance and sophistication.
(d) Check the forums - The best source of information comes from the people who really know the websites - the players. Check for online casino forums and conduct a search to find the discussions of legitimacy - this could be your key to finding a reputable company!
Checking to see if a casino is legitimate is a responsibility you must take seriously. Failure to do so could result in a scam, someone phishing your bank information, or losing out on some big bucks because of your lack of knowledge. Don't be the one to blame - check your sources.
Remember, it is your responsibility to check all sites you use regularly. It is up to the site to provide Terms and Conditions, but it is the 'users' responsibility to ensure those sites are safe to use, as well as ensuring that they meet your entertainment needs.